Decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1) has been circulating in 4 countries China, Thailand, the Indian Ocean, and Taiwan. DIV1 was identified to infect 15 species, of which the most common was shrimp (10 species), followed by crabs (2 species) and polychaetes (2 species), and at least rotifers (1 species). Aquatic subjects infected with DIV1 did not show typical symptoms except for white leg shrimp (P. vannamei) and giant freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The two shrimp species have common manifestations when infected with DIV1 such as atrophy, pale hepatopancreas, empty intestines, and no food in the stomach, in addition to some specific characteristics such as the appearance of a triangular white area under the peduncle (crayfish green) and red softshell (white leg shrimp). The disease has been detected by various methods from pathological description, histopathology, molecular biology, Transmission electron microscopy, or in situ hybridization.