

    The study is based on the result of marine resources surveys by single-trawnet and fisheries surveys in the coastal and inshore areas of Baria-Vungtau province from 9/2020 to 8/2021. The results showed that the total number of species recorded is 338 species belonging to 232 genera, 106 families, and 34 orders. In which, the fish group is 282 species; crustacean group 69 species and mollusk group 37 species. The singletrawnet has the highest number of species encountered at 342 species, fixed-net is 174 species, cage traps is 144 species, bottom-gillnet is 109 species, seine-net inshore is 62 species, floating gillnet is 57 species and others are 42 species. Economic species have been identified are 58 species, including 37 species of fish, 15 species of crustaceans, and 6 species of mollusks. Species conservation needs to be protected are 14 species, EN (Endangered) is 1 species, VU (Vulnerable) is 8 species, and NT (Near Threatened) is 5 species.


Author Biographies

Nguyen Phuoc Trieu

South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries

Pham Quoc Huy

South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries