The report showed research results of the maximum sustainable yield (YMSY) and the corresponding level of fishing effort (FMSY) in the coastal and inshore waters of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. The surplus production model of Schaefer (1954) was used to estimate the maximum sustainable yield and fishing effort. The research results showed that the FMSY in coastal and inshore waters of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province were 2,765 boats, in which the trawl were 48 boats, gill net (2,459 boats), purse seine (09 boats) and traps (249 boats). The fishing effort of trawl and purse seine was higher than the FMSY in 35 and 06 boats; the fishing effort of fishing others was lower than the FMSY . The maximum sustainable yield in the coastal and inshore waters of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province was 21,831 tons.