

     Research on artificial breeding of teatfish sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis, the floating Auricularia larvae stage began to metamorphosis into settlement Doliolaria to Pentactula, which is one of the points with the highest mortality rate.

    This paper presents the results of experiments to optimize the rearing technique of teatfish sea cucumber larvae in the settlement stage. Including (i) Improved used of 3 different food combinations between unicellular benthic algae Navicular and dried algae Spirulina brushed on the surface of the attachment; (ii)  rearing Auricularia sea cucumber larvae at 3 different densities of 1.5 and 10 ind./cm2; (iii) and tested two types of hard plastic and nylon plastic sheets to create substrates for larvae to begin transitioning to the settlement stage. The results showed that larvae using unicellular algae in combination with dried algae spirulina achieved in both high survival and growth rate. Larval rearing at various density affects survival rate but not to growth, And hard plastic as a cultch is best suited to increase survival and growth of Doliolaria larvae to Pentactula up to 16%.


Author Biographies

Nguyễn Văn Hùng

Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thuỷ sản III

Kiều Tiến Trung

Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thuỷ sản III

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Viện Nghiên cứu Nuôi trồng Thuỷ sản III