

  The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of LHRHa concentrations on latency period (LP), spawning rate (SR), fecundity (F), fertilization rate (FR), hatching rate (HR) and survival rate of larvae (SRL) in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus), the square-headed strain. Matured females climb perch (average weight of 377.8 - 391.3 g) were injected with 5 concentrations of LHRHa: 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 µgLHRHa (combined with 5mg DOM-domperidon)/kg), and so called NT40, NT60, NT80, NT100 and NT120. Males were injected half (½) dose for females. In addition, one (1) group of broodstocks was injected with NaCl (0,9%) used as a control (CT). The results showed that the broodstocks from the CT did not spawn after 24 h in captivity. The concentrations of LHRHa eff ected the LP, SR, F, FR, HR and SRL (P<0.05). NT80 and NT100 resulted in higher spawning rate (100%) than the other treatments. The LP of hormone in NT40 (7.4±0.5 h) and NT60 (7.2±0.5 h) were longer than other doses. Fecundity was highest in the broodstocks from NT120 (616.8±54.1 eggs/g female). However, fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate of 1 day after hatched - larvae in treatment NT120 were lowest. NT80 and NT100 were comparable in these above reproductive performances. Therefore, a dose of 80 µgLHRHa (combined with 5mg DOM)/kg is suggested for induction of spawning in female climbing perch, square-headed strain at Khanh Hoa.

