This study aims to develop the seed production technology of Blotched snakehead (Channa maculate Lacepède, 1801) under artificial condition. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1: selected food to feed broodstocks with 3 experiments: fed with 100% of trash fish (NT1); fed with 50% of trash fish and 50% industrial feed (NT2); and 100% industrial feed (NT3). Experiment 2: determined food ration for broodstocks to fertility with ration from 5% to 11% body weight. The results showed that feeding with 50% of trash fish and 50% industrial food, diet feed of broodstocks as 9% body weight is most appropriate to improve fertility, quality of eggs and larvae of blotched snakehead.
Keywords: broodstock blotched snakehead, diet, fertility, eggs, larval