

The results of the study showed that the drift gillnet fishery exploiting tuna is a selective fishing method and has been formed for a long time. The drift gillnet vessels have about 11.1±1 people/vessel, most of whom are fishermen in the province. This fishing method has solved the problem of employment and increased income for fishermen. About 70% of the fishermen on the vessels have many years of experience in the profession (from 5 to 15 years). Fishers with low education level, mainly primary school (40.7%) will make it difficult to transfer and apply advanced and modern technologies to the fishing industry. The fishing gear on the vessels is not equipped with lead lines and has only one net body, with a mesh size of 105±1.1 mm. The total catch in the main season reached 15,671.7±1,105.2 kg/fishing trip, which is 1.2 times higher than in the off-season. Tuna catch accounted for the highest proportion (90.7%), followed by mackerel (6.1%) and other fish (3.2%) of the total catch. The average daily catch of the vessels was 616.4±38.4 kg/day/vessel. The average profit for each vessel was 668,7±106,1 million VND/year and the rate of return on investment capital reaches 13.6±1.9%/year.

Key words: Ba Ria - Vung Tau, drift gillnet, tuna


Author Biographies

Long Nguyễn

Phân Viện Nghiên cứu hải sản phía Nam, Viện Nghiên cứu Hải sản

Nguyễn Trọng Lương

Viện Khoa học và công nghệ khai thác thủy sản, Trường Đại học Nha Trang

Lê Văn Sáng

Chi cục Thủy sản tỉnh Thanh Hóa